MHN: Healthy Boundaries at Work


MHN: Healthy Boundaries at Work

MHN: Healthy Boundaries at Work-image

MHN: Healthy Boundaries at Work

  • Class Description
  • Schedule

HR0837--We all vary significantly when it comes to our needs, values, and preferences, as well our beliefs about the right ways to interact in the workplace. Maintaining healthy boundaries means being assertive and communicating one’s needs while respecting the needs of others. By doing so, we can minimize feelings of resentment, anxiety, and stress and increase our levels of satisfaction, ease and productivity in our place of work.

Type of Class MHN Workshops
Date/Dates: Virtual-8/22/23, 2:00pm-4:00pm

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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$10 $20 $30
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