Workforce Development

The San Joaquin County Mental Health Specialist Apprenticeship Opportunity has closed.

Application Deadline is 5pm on June 2, 2023 –  for more information, review the documents below under apprenticeships.


Incumbent Apprenticeship Opportunity

The San Joaquin County Incumbent Apprenticeship Program is designed to offer current San Joaquin County staff the opportunity to participate in a two part three year program that consists of an education component as well as on-the-job training in a designated field. This opportunity is open to full-time and part-time staff. Please read all of the eligibility requirements and program details on the latest offerings of this program.

Current Apprenticeship Opportunities
Mental Health Specialist Apprentice

Apprenticeship Application – BHS

MHS Flyer

MHS Apprenticeship Supplemental Duties

Incumbent Apprenticeship Program Details and Selection Process

Incumbent Apprenticeship FAQs

2023 BHS Apprenticeship Timeline

Archived Apprenticeships

Archived Apprenticeships


San Joaquin County Internship Program (Unpaid)

University student internship opportunities are offered by San Joaquin County to provide public sector experience to college students. The internship opportunities will provide students with an orientation to County Government, the services we provide to the public, and exposure to a wide range of career opportunities that exist within the county. Internships are typically unpaid, offering opportunity for college credits or volunteer experience. In select departments some internship opportunities may be paid.

Individuals interested in participating in the San Joaquin Count internship program can email their questions, resume and cover letter to

Departments interested in participating in the internship program should contact the San Joaquin County Human Resources Staff Development team at


Probation Department Internship Announcement

Probation Department Internship Flyer

Staff Development Internship Announcement


You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

How much would you like to donate?
$10 $20 $30
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