1. Complete the registration form (click here to download PDF) – Please use your employee ID #.
2. Obtain your supervisor’s approval and signature.
3. E-mail, mail, or fax your form to your Departmental Training Processor.
Individuals who are enrolled will generally receive a confirmation from their Training Processors three to four business days after the enrollment date. Please remember to enter your training information on your calendar and notify your supervisor once you have received confirmation.
Depending on your department’s internal procedure, you will either need to immediately contact your supervisor or training processor or both.
If a staff member can only attend part of any course, they should reschedule for another class. The legally mandated courses require strict guidelines around training curriculum and training time. If you will be more than 15 minutes late for any class, you will need to reschedule.
Training is free for all San Joaquin County Employees. However, departments are charged for the following:
Computer Courses …$49.99
No Shows …$45
Cancellation 3 business days or less prior to training …$45
Cancellation 4 business days prior to training …No Charge
Cancellation with Substitution …No Charge
Non-County employee (half-day training) …$60
Non-County employee (full-day training) …$110
Non-County employee (computer courses) …$75
Yes. Please note on the sign-in sheet who in your department you are substituting for to ensure your department is not charged for a late cancellation fee.
Human Resources will not validate or pay for parking fees. Please contact your department if you have questions.
Certificates are only provided after the completion of all HRLA courses and upon request for Experienced Driver courses.
If you have any concerns or questions, please contact your Department Training Processor or Human Resources Engage at sjcengage@sjgov.org.