MHN: Career Managment and Career Planning


MHN: Career Managment and Career Planning

MHN: Career Managment and Career Planning-image

MHN: Career Managment and Career Planning

  • Class Description
  • Schedule

HR0648 - Career planning and management is a lifelong process - from choosing an occupation and getting a job to "growing" a job, navigating career transitions and eventually retiring. This workshop covers strategies for planning and building a career. participants will learn how to assess their talents and interests, create realistic educational goals, and develop the skills they need to succeed.

Learning objectives:

After the workshop, participants should be able to:

Understand the career planning process.

Describe their short-term and long-term career planning goals.

Examine barriers to reaching goals.

Develop a career action plan.

Type of Class MHN Workshops
Date/Dates: March 23
10am - 11am
Admin, Room 146

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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$10 $20 $30
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