Elective – Time Management a Systems Approach


Elective – Time Management a Systems Approach

Elective - Time Management a Systems Approach-image

Elective - Time Management a Systems Approach

  • Class Description
  • Schedule

HR0629 - This is one of the most mystifying elements of life. While philosophers and scientists are pondering its secrets, you have already discovered the symptoms of time mismanagement that can lead to frustration and loss of motivation:

  • No matter how hard one works, there's always too much to do
  • A feeling that time has become a taskmaster
  • Less and less satisfaction with work at the end of the day

This interactive course is for anyone who needs to master time and become more effective personally and professionally. The individual and team activities will stimulate interest and reinforce key concepts that you can apply right away.

Type of Class Professional Skills
Date/Dates: 11/2/18
9:00am - 12:00pm
Location: HSA, 5C

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

How much would you like to donate?
$10 $20 $30
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