Elective – Systematic Problem Solving


Elective – Systematic Problem Solving

Elective - Systematic Problem Solving-image

Elective - Systematic Problem Solving

  • Class Description
  • Schedule

HR0145 - There's one thing we all have in common: problems. Here's something most people don't have in common: a systematic way to address problems. Instead, individuals and teams take a knee-jerk reaction approach that usually results in a "Band-Aid" instead of a real fix. This course is for anyone who solves workplace problems, especially on teams. It's especially helpful for avoiding the #1 cause of frustration on problem-solving teams: suggesting a solution before the problem is understood.

Type of Class Professional Skills
Date/Dates: 12/11/18
9:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Administration Building, Room 146

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

How much would you like to donate?
$10 $20 $30
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