
Beyond Pumpkin Spice; Recipes to Fall For

What is it about pumpkin spice that is so appealing? The warm spices of cinnamon, nutmeg and clove are natural partners to highlight the mild flavor of pumpkin. But don’t limit yourself to the ordinary;  fall is also the start of comfort food season! Now is the perfect  time to enjoy the bounty of the juiciest apples in a cake or crisp; and a good reason to head to Apple Hill for everything from cider to doughnuts.  

Craving soup? Make this chicken and corn chowder to showcase SJ County’s corn crop, or French Onion soup with a kick is perfect for those locally grown onions. Add in a delicious shaved brussel sprout salad or bring it all together with a harvest salad highlighting walnuts from area orchards. 

And if you really cant get enough pumpkin; these Pumpkin Beer Pretzels with Chipotle Queso from Half-Baked Harvest are just the ticket! Happy Eating!

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