Course Listings
Wellness Classes
Even smart people with good jobs and high-paying compensation can find themselves in financial problems. This includes cash flow and debt issues that can be a daily distraction and make for 'bad' corporate and personal behavior. This course will address the personal impact of financial inaction, the effect on family, and some of the simple and small steps necessary to initiate significant change.
Understanding personality types can be somewhat confusing. This one-hour seminar is designed to gain a practical understanding of the different types of personalities and teach you how personality types can impact our behavior. Participants will identify their own personality type to learn how to use type preference as an energy management tool that enhances their skills in interpersonal communication.
Civil rights issues, financial concerns and the feeling of uncertainty has taken this world to a whole new level, which is why resiliency during a pandemic is crucial. This state-of-the-art class will focus on the key attributes of a resilient person in the current situation and invite us to examine the specific skills we need to thrive during times of adversity.
We all have different perspectives when defining a challenging person. Some people challenge the lives of many others, and then, there are types who can just get under our skin and push our buttons. Regardless of the particulars, we have two choices: we can learn how to effectively deal with the difficult person, or, we can remove the possibility of interaction with them. In this class we will learn how to deal with the challenging people in our lives.
The goal of this seminar is to equip participants with the self-reflective tools needed to define kindness in their own lives. In today's world, kindness is more important than ever before, as we struggle together to adjust and adapt to an ever-changing idea of ‘normal’. We will acknowledge why empathy and emotional intelligence are essential traits for everyone, and how kindness - an act of doing good deeds towards others - is needed in the workplace and at home with our friends, families and in our communities.
Wellness Classes
Even smart people with good jobs and high-paying compensation can find themselves in financial problems. This includes cash flow and debt issues that can be a daily distraction and make for 'bad&
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In this introductory meditation workshop we will use guided imagery and breathing to learn how relaxation techniques make you even more productive during the day and help you sleep better at night.
Understanding personality types can be somewhat confusing. This one-hour seminar is designed to gain a practical understanding of the different types of personalities and teach you how personality typ
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If you're feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of everyday work and home life, then this workshop focusing on burnout issues will help you bring your life back into balance.
Learn to identify the
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Civil rights issues, financial concerns and the feeling of uncertainty has taken this world to a whole new level, which is why resiliency during a pandemic is crucial. This state-of-the-art class will
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Donuts for breakfast, candy bar for lunch? Eating on the run? Does this sound familiar? Participants in this seminar learn the benefits of nutrition, including the importance of making informed food c
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We all have different perspectives when defining a challenging person. Some people challenge the lives of many others, and then, there are types who can just get under our skin and push our buttons. R
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